I Saw Three Ships 2007 Sign Up
 Please read the rules before completing this registration form. If you did not complete a previous 3 Ships story on time, you may not request a story, but you may sign up as a pinch hitter. If you complete a 2007 pinch hit, you may request a story for 2008.
 E-mail Address:  
 Livejournal username (optional):  
 Website address (optional)  
 What type of sign up are you doing?

If you register as a pinch hitter and I need a pinch hitter in one of your fandoms, I will run the specific request by you before you agree to pinch hit. You are not registering to pinch hit without a chance to refuse the actual assignment.
Story sign up only
Story sign up and pinch hit
Pinch hit only
 The next two questions are about fandoms in which you are prepared to write threesome stories. Between these two questions, you are obligated to list (3) three different fandoms. At least one of the threesomes in the request assigned to you will match one of the fandoms you list in these two questions. If there are characters you absolutely cannot write in a fandom, don't list the fandom as one for which you can write. I am not taking special circumstances into account when matching people's fandom availability to assignments.
 Fandoms for which you will write (part 1)  
 Fandoms for which you will write (part 2)

Please alphabetize your list before submitting. It will make my job easier.
  The next four questions are your 2 - 4 requests for a threesome story. If you are requesting to pinch hit only, submit your form now.
 You must request from at least two different fandoms. You may not request crossovers. If you want to request an incest threesome, you must also request a non-incest threesome in the same fandom, as well as a non-incest threesome in another fandom. See the rules for greater clarification.

I suggest that at least one of your requests be in a large or current fandom. The largest fandoms this year appear to be: Harry Potter, Stargate Atlantis, and Supernatural. If no one signs up who has agreed to write in at least one of the fandoms you request below, I will contact you and tell you what fandoms I have writers for. At that time, you can either give an extra request that someone can fuilfill, or you can withdraw your story request. The best way to avoid not getting matched is to recruit people to Three Ships who can write in the fandoms you are requesting.
 REQUEST 1 — Fandom  
 REQUEST 1 — Threesome (please use full names)  
 REQUEST 1 — One requested story element  
 REQUEST 2 — Fandom  
 REQUEST 2 — Threesome (please use full names)  
  REQUEST 2 — One requested story element  
 REQUEST 3 — Fandom  
  REQUEST 3 —Threesome (please use full names)  
 REQUEST 3 — One requested story element  
 REQUEST 4 — Fandom  
 REQUEST 4 —Threesome (please use full names)  
 REQUEST 4 —One requested story element