Do you have an automatic generator, like a geek code generator, or one of those mozilla quiz things? answer
Do you have pre-made Livejournal/Journalfen/etc icons?answer
A slasher is a fan, usually female, who views her source materials (e.g. tv shows, books, movies), through a homoerotic lens. In other words, she watches tv and imagines that the characters love each other in gay ways, even if that's not the intent of the show writers.back to questions
There are no hankies. The term 'hanky code' is a reference to a practice by gay men in the seventies of wearing different colored-handkerchiefs on one or the other side of their body to indicate their kinks. This code also strives to be a simple visual symbol for indicating relationship preferences.back to questions
If you have radically different touch preferences for gender, put two complete code symbols side by side. If you are currently only involved in lesbian relationship, make the symbol code for men as if you were single. Flip that if you're only involved with men.back to questions
You can't. That would add a layer of complexity to the code for information that is readily discernible in most face-to-face encounters and usually discussed before hitting on someone online.back to questions
I can't think of a good way to do it, and most of the trans people I have met identify with male or female. If you have a good idea how to integrate it into the standard code, e-mail me at
about it. back to questions
It isn't. Most slashers are female, so the supporting materials address a universal 'she', but the code itself doesn't specify the gender of the person wearing the symbol, just the gender of the people they're interested in.back to questions
Two reasons. One, I want to have one night stands at slash conventions, and two, the assumption that slashers are straight women or bisexual women in relationships with men makes me want to hit people, primarily slashfen and academics. I've resolved to channel my anger in more productive ways. A more detailed answer is available on the history page.back to questions
No. Cons are very woman-oriented and very touchy-feely. If you're a dyke who wants to get her freak on, this is frustrating because so many of the women there are not interested in having sex with women. But, it can also discomfit people who prefer a less permeable personal space boundary or women who want to hug, but don't want to give the impression that they're making passes at people. These people should also use the code to clarify just what kind of physical affection they're looking for.back to questions