- If possible, save your file as Text Only or ASCII. Do not include
HTML tags.
- Do not indent paragraphs. Put a blank line between each
- The first line of your file should be the first line of your
story. The last line of your file should be the last
line of your story. The archive software will add all of the
notes, title, author, etc. information from the posting form.
- Unusual characters will not work. This includes curly quotes,
accented letters (e.g. ê), and symbols like ©.
- *** will be rendered as a
like writing <hr> in
Warning The next two functions are very
creaky. Use them on as few words as possible, do not include any
characters which are not letters of the alphabet (including . - , ' line
breaks), and pray. Really, truly, you're better off avoiding them.
- Text surrounded by _underscores_ will be underlined.
- Words surrounded by *asterisks* will be italicized.
This will only work for a single paragraph at a time. If
there are five paragraphs you want rendered in italics, each
paragraph must be surrounded by asterisks in order to be
- A line of text in
will be rendered bold. That
way, you can have
This sample text file has been turned into a
sample archive-generated HTML file.