Billie's Safe: Drinking Game
(Because you can follow the plot even if you’re face down in the carpet)
by Natlyn with additions by zvi
Once if a character pulls a gun
Twice if the character holds it horizontally
Thrice if the gun is fired
Once if a character pulls 2 guns
Twice if its Van or Deaq
Thrice if both guns are fired
Once if slow motion cuts in while a character is walking
Twice if it’s Van or Deaq
Thrice if it’s Billie
Four times if it’s all three
Once if there’s a high-speed chase
Twice if a car does a 180 or higher rotation
Thrice is guns are fired out of the fast moving cars
Once if Van, Deaq or Billie wear tanktops
Twice if Van, Deaq or Billie show their midrift
Thrice if Van or Deaq isn’t wearing a shirt
Four times if Billie isn’t wearing a shirt
Once if Van talks about his feelings
Twice if Deaq talks about his feelings
Thrice if Van gets Deaq to talk about his feelings
Four times if it happens in a car or van
Once if Van smiles at Deaq
Twice if Deaq smiles at Van
Thrice if Deaq calls Van ‘baby’
Once if a character gets beat up
Twice if its Van, Deaq or Billie
Thrice if its by Ray Ray
Once if you can sing along to the lyrics of the incidental music
Twice if you can identify the artist
Thrice if you can identify the song.
Once if Van or Deaq reveal that they're cops to someone
Twice if it's to a criminal
Thrice if it's because of Billie's orders
Once if they're on a case that shouldn't be handled by undercover cops
Twice if it's outside they're jurisdiction
Thrice if it's a federal case
Four times if it's out of the country
Bonus drinks
Five times if you can identify the character/name of the show Deaq’s
father played in the 1960s
Six times if you can identify the character/name of the show Van’s
father played in the 1970s
Ten times if you can identify the music video from which an action
sequence is lifted, because you are entirely too sober for this game.
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