Billie's Safe: Icons by Hua

These are available on a want, take, share basis. Especially impressed citizens might drop Hua a word of thanks or praise. Feel free to send in your icons to share. If you need inspiration, consider these captions.

My fandom jacks up newbies My fandom jacks up newbies (2) Newbie held hostage Walk on the beach: torso shot Walk on the beach: full length shot My fandom improperly secures its weapons Nobody knows my fandom's real identity My fandom is undercover My fandom doesn't pimp well My fandom can't pimp My fandom is a badass mofo My fandom caters to expensive tastes (Van) My fandom caters to expensive tastes (Deaq) My fandom suffers from old love interests My fandom suffers from old love interests (2) My fandom is nothing but eyecandy Deaq torso Deaq does that thing with his mouth. Not like that!

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